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Questions in the storm

In Mark 4:35-41 we read about the incident of Jesus calming the storm. One of the phrases that caught my attention was the question that the disciples asked Jesus. 'Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?' It is an emotional question coming from fear, desperation, and even some sort of surprise.

I used to wonder about that question from the disciples. The self-righteous part of me was curious of what they were thinking. We by faith (not by sight) know that Jesus is us during the storms of our lives, but the disciples knew by sight that Jesus was present there in the boat. So, if the boat breaks, isn't Jesus also there? Or did they think He was going to disappear, or walk in water, or swim and just save Himself? Was He going to be that selfish? 'Do you not care' how hurtful would that question have been to our Lord? May God give us the strength to trust Him during the storms of our lives.

This poem is inspired to some degree by God's answering style found in the book of Job. Answer through a set of questions.

An interesting side note: Rembrandt painted 14 people in this painting. Jesus, 12 disciples, and (probably) himself. Would we dare to paint ourselves into a storm? Would we do that if we know that Jesus was going to be there?


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Zach aleX
Zach aleX
5 days ago
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Cool, I didn't know Rembrandt himself was in it though.

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