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I wanna be God!

I find the conversation between the serpent and Eve quite fascinating. I believe Adam and Eve were quite intelligent beings. Were they tempted by the serpent's claim that eating the fruit will make them 'like God'? But, weren't they already like God (in likeness or image)? Weren't they created to live - by eating from the tree of life, to create - by bearing children, with authority to rule over the creation? What then was this desire 'to be like God'?

This fictional conversation is one of the thought processes that resulted from thinking about these questions. For desiring to be like God, what God does and who God is should have been a desirable thing. If one truly desires that, in my opinion, they would rather fall prostrate in awe and worship rather than displease the One who created them. I think in our delusions, we desire to be like the serpent - selfish and exploitive, just that we want independence from God to be able to do the same.



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