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Ebe and his four daughters - A visit to the shopping mall

Imagine this with me. This is a story about a guy called Ebe (Ebenezer), who had four daughters – Priscilla, Sophia, Kezia, and Jemima. Ebe was a scientist. Let me tell you what kind of a scientist he was - once Sophia saw a cockroach and was scared. Ebe took some tiny electrodes and put them onto the cockroach’s antenna and controlled it using a remote. Priscilla the elder daughter took it and ran around the whole house chasing Sophia with the cockroach. Priscilla was in 10th grade and Sophia in 9th. They both loved doing science projects with their father, especially Sophia who was probably the most talkative girl you’d ever see. The only person who never got bored of her talking was her father. They used to chat for hours together. The third daughter was Kezia who was in 6th grade. She was a bit aloof maybe because she didn’t like science yet, she didn’t like reading or anything her father did with Priscilla and Sophia. The fourth one, Jemima, was a brat. The naughtiest one who could scream and bring the roof down.

Inspired by her father, one day Priscilla started her own project of a cycle pedal-powered washing machine. She didn’t want her father’s help so she secretly borrowed his motor, a plastic drum, and was working with it. But sadly, she accidentally powered the motor and it cut a huge portion of her thigh, so she was to be on bed rest. Her father tried to comfort her, but she was just too upset and irritated, and wouldn’t talk to anyone.

Then came Saturday! The day when the father usually took the daughters to this huge shopping mall and got them a lot of goodies, and whatever they needed. But this time, Priscilla said, ‘I am not coming, I am tired’. Sophia was getting ready. Jemima was ready and in the car. The father called Kezia, but as usual, she was not interested in coming.

Dad got some beautiful summer clothes for all the daughters. Jemima was only 6 years old, so she would want every colorful thing that she could find. She got a unicorn skirt, a coloring book, and so many candies. She had so many pairs of white shoes, yet she was asking for one more. When the dad said no, she was causing a bit of a scene. But the dad took her to the side and showed her photos where she was wearing white shoes and then she calmed down. She began to understand that when dad says no, there is a reason.

Dad then went to the tools shop. That’s the shop that Sophia loves the most. They get tools and materials for their next science projects there. Jemima was a bit clueless in the shop, but then she found pliers and took them to dad, and said, I want this. Dad asked ‘why do you need this child’, Jemima with all smiles said, ‘looks like these scissors will cut zig-zag daddy’. Sophia started laughing. Dad gently picked up Jemima, took the pliers, and showed her how they worked and where they can be used. Then Jemima said, ‘Daddy can we then use this to remove that nail that is poking out of my favorite chair?’ Dad happily said ‘yes’, He was so happy to see Jemima learn new things and grow.

Sophia was now ready with the list of things that she wanted. She wanted a microcontroller that she could code to use in the robot project which she was doing with her dad. She asked dad if she could gift a strong magnet to her friend for her science project. She asked for an oculus lens for beginning to work on an augmented reality project. She would ask for precise tools for the projects that she needed. She then asked if they could buy a motor safety cover so that Priscilla could work on her pedal washing machine again. Dad was overjoyed to see how mature Sophia has become and gently kissed her on the forehead. They bought many more things together and went to the billing counter. Sophia was quick to check all the items, and carefully place it in bags. The counter guy looked at the dad and said, ‘Sophia is just like you’ and there was this wonderful smile on the dad’s face hearing that.

As they exited that shop Jemima said, ‘Daddy can we go close to that shoe shop once again?’ Sophia said, ‘Jemi sweetie, Dad already said you have enough white shoes. Why do you want to go once more?' Jemima looked at dad and said, ‘Daddy, near the shoe shop there was a jewelry shop, I thought we will get something for Kezia there’. Dad smiled and said, ‘Yes, my child!’ being happy that Jemima for the first time started asking things for somebody else. She will mature one day very soon He said to Himself. After they finished the jewelry shopping Dad also picked up a nice walking stick for Priscilla, and cakes for all of them and then reached home.


Let’s look back at the story and learn a few points about one aspect of prayer today – asking God what we need. I think you would have deciphered by now that Ebe the dad stands for our heavenly Father, and the shopping malls stand for His throne of grace where we through Christ could boldly enter with confidence to find grace and mercy in the time of our need. In God’s throne of grace, He has in store for us the riches of His glorious inheritance, for all of us!

But some of us may be like Kezia. We don’t find church stuff or Bible stuff interesting and we conclude in our minds that God isn’t interested in what we like and just go aloof. The Father loves all of His children. With Priscilla and Sophia He would talk science, but with Jemima, He would also talk about unicorns, why do you think He wouldn’t wanna listen to you? He doesn’t want you to be Sophia or Priscilla or anybody else. He created you unique. He desires to share a unique relationship with you. He is waiting for you to share with Him what you like, for Him to be able to guide you in that, and take you to the appropriate shop and get you all that you need. If only you connect with Him and speak to Him your heart.

Some of us may be like Priscilla. There was a time when we enjoyed spending time with God, sharing our day-to-day stories, and spending time in prayer and Bible reading, but because we are in a painful place in our lives or just busy or tired, we just don’t want to get out or enjoy with Him anymore. Some of our excuses for not praying are ‘I’m busy or I’m tired’, but guess what, He is waiting to give you rest just as He promised. You don’t feel, right with God? Well, that’s exactly why you need to pray right now. It’s long since you spoke to Him? then at once begin your prayer by saying, ‘God long time no see’. Do you feel depressed, alone, hurt, or even scared? All these are the reasons why you need to run to God and not away from Him.

Guess what, most of us are like Jemima and probably remain like Jemima. We are so childish, that from pliers to white shoes, we just keep asking for things only for ourselves. When God says, ‘Ask Me anything in accordance with My will in Jesus’ name’, we say ‘Lord, give me one more pair of white shoes’. Come on! Let’s do better. In Miss India or Miss World pageant when people are asking for world peace, as Miss Christian what are you asking your Almighty Father in heaven? When you grow up to ask Him for World peace, you will see your heavenly Father smile and say, ‘That’s a great ask my child’, let’s work on the world peace project, what tools do you want? ‘White shoes’ He says think better. ‘Pliers’ He says think better. ‘A gift of a walking stick for a friend in need’, there you go my child, let’s buy that. Then you say, ‘What about the gift of patience to deal with someone who is annoying me’, His smile grows even further and He says, ‘Amen, what next’. Then, will you step out in faith and ask for things much bigger than you, ‘What about a prayer for Taiwan’, He is all ears, listening to you.

Why do you think He is asking you to pray for things much beyond or bigger than you? Do you think God is unable to work on project world peace by Himself? He is all-powerful, He can do it by Himself. Yet, He loves you too much and wants you to be a part of it. It is not that the scientist Father needed Sophia to tell Him that a microcontroller is needed for the robot project. But, what joy did it give Him when He heard people say that Sophia was just like Him? When God is giving us the privilege to be a part of His great redemption plan, why do we not take it? He knows what the Taiwanese children need. He knows their fears, the rejections girl children face there, and the pressures they face. He is waiting to see if you want to talk to Him about it. Will you? Will you grow to ask for greater things and empowerment of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you ever doubt whether He is listening. What are you going to pray for today? ‘White shoes for yourself’ or ‘World peace one country, one city, one person at a time’. Let’s pray.

[Prepared for 12 mins talk at World Prayer Day 2023 service at Bishop Cotton Girls School, Bangalore, on 03 March 2023]



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