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Do not be stuck at your house in Egypt, Enter into the Kingdom of God.

While thinking about our salvation, one of the ways we look at it, is that we are saved by the blood of the Passover lamb - Jesus.

This poem is a warning to those who merely want that salvation and then aren't willing to walk a life of obedience to where God calls them to be. We might be tempted to just be satisfied following some Christian traditions, and stay in a sinful life due to our lust and pride. Also, our view of God and our relationship with Him will be very limited (God who is able to destroy enemies, God as a lamb crucified), and not grow in the manner it is supposed to (God as Lord and shepherd). Since the life He redeemed belongs to Him, we must care to grow in our likeness of God, rather than just seeing Him as someone who is there to provide for us and give us better things than those around us who are considered unsaved. The warning continues to state that if we don't work out our salvation in fear and trembling, we will just remain a white-washed tomb.



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