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Day 39: Do you love Me?

John 21:15-19 When they had finished eating, Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love Me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he answered, “You know I love You.”

Jesus replied, “Feed My lambs.” Jesus asked a second time, “Simon son of John, do you love Me?” “Yes, Lord,” he answered, “You know I love You.” Jesus told him, “Shepherd My sheep.” Jesus asked a third time, “Simon son of John, do you love Me?” Peter was deeply hurt that Jesus had asked him a third time, “Do you love Me?” “Lord, You know all things,” he replied. “You know I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep. Truly, truly, I tell you, when you were young, you dressed yourself and walked where you wanted; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. And after He had said this, He told him, “Follow Me.”

Lord, why did you have to create a tree in the garden and then forbid me to eat it? Why would you forbid me from doing things that give me pleasure? Temptations are so hard to control! I am not able to convince myself of why a loving God would prevent me from enjoying the pleasures of life. Sometimes, it makes me wonder Lord, do You love me?

O, my child, I created that very tree because I love you much more than you can know. By creating that tree, I gifted you the dignity of free will, and the ability to choose to worship me, the ability to relate with me as a child created in my own image. Your fallen heart deceives you into thinking certain pleasures can bring you joy. Your heart would find true satisfaction only in me, there is no true joy beside me.

Lord, why did you have to pronounce curses and judgment that inflicted pain? Toiling from morning to night makes me dizzy. Sometimes, it makes me wonder Lord, do You love me?

O, my child, love by definition does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. My righteous judgments provide you space where you are safe and loved, making it possible to have a community that does not harm each other but lifts one another up.

Lord, why did you have to cast me away from the garden? How do You expect me to fend for myself in this God-forsaken world? Why couldn't You have just forgiven me and allowed me to stay inside? Were you more concerned for the garden than You were for me? Sometimes, it makes me wonder Lord, do You love me?

O, my child, if this world were truly God-forsaken, it would have become hell the moment I forsook it. I cast you away, only to draw you closer. My very judgments were filled with mercy. Like a father disciplining his child, I discipline you. I have always been near you whenever you've called me in truth.

Lord, why did you sell us over to slavery? They drained our lives out of us. We had no dignity. We were treated as mere property. They tortured us and we lost hope and didn't find any reason to live. Why didn't you rescue us the moment they tried laying hands on us? Which father would see their own child suffer and do nothing about it? Sometimes, it makes me wonder Lord, do You love me?

O, my child, my heart churned within me seeing you suffer. When you called out to me I remembered the covenant I made with you. My ways are higher than yours. Even if you were not able to comprehend my plans, I hoped that you would have remembered my promises and trusted in them. Have you forgotten how I've been working through history for your salvation and through miracles and My mighty hand I have always rescued you?

Lord, why does it take so long for You to rescue me? I am still waiting. At times when I call on to you, you are silent, at many other times you say wait, and waiting wearies me. Why do you make me wait till I lose all my hope? Why do I not see Your hand till the moment I almost break down? Why wouldn't you work earlier? Sometimes, it makes me wonder Lord if you had loved me, wouldn't You have acted fast?

O, my child, I work all things together for your good. Waiting brings about endurance, perseverance and builds Your character. I make all things perfect in the right time. Haven't you read my parable about wheat and tares? I am waiting for you to grow, and in the right time I will harvest and gather you to myself, and separate out the tares and the weeds.

1 Corinthians 1:21, John 3:16 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.

O, my child, I chose you in Christ even before the creation of the world! In love, I predestined you for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ so that you can call me 'Abba, Father'. Do you love me?

O, my child, I being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to my own advantage, and made Myself nothing. Yes, I emptied myself, taking the very nature of a servant, and was born in human likeness. I did that for you. Do you love me?

O, my child, when I took on human flesh, I was tempted in every way like you, and yet without sin. I did that so that you can know that I am able to empathize with your weakness. Do you love me?

O, my child, when you were desiring just some super-natural water to calm your thirst, or some magical food to meet your hunger, I gave my body as food and my blood as drink, so that you can have eternal life. Do you love me?

O, my child, your rebellion led you to scourge and kill me, your Messiah who came to save you. I bore the agony of betrayal, abandonment for you. I thought of you when I told my Father that I will drink of the cup that He has for me. But, do you accept my gift? Do you love me?

O, my child, I am the first fruit of the resurrection. Now death has no victory, hell has no power over me. I went before you to show you the way. Nothing can separate you from my love. But, do you love me?

O, my child, I sent the Holy Spirit to be with you and in you, to remind you of all the things that I taught, to convict of sin, to guide you in the path that you have to walk, to groan for you in prayer, to be the seal, the guarantee for your eternal promises in me. Do you love me?

I know your frame. I know that you desire to love me. I forgive your failings. I forgive your betrayals. I forgive the times when you let me down. If only you would repent and come back to me, I am willing with arms open wide. For I love you. But the question truly is, do you love me above all else? Every time you are tempted to sin, every time you are discouraged, every time you are given an opportunity to help others in my name, every time you are given an opportunity to work for my kingdom, every time you encounter suffering and apparent delays, would you still love me?

Link to the previous article: Whom shall I send? Link to the next article: Can these (dry) bones come to life?



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