Day 21: Praying for those exploited at workplaces
Bible passage, Short reflection, and Prayer points
Day 21: Praying for those exploited at workplaces
Day 20: Praying for our co-workers
Day 19: Praying for those under our care
Day 18: Praying for our superiors
Day 17: Sowing in our mission fields
Day 16: Christian Open homes
Day 15: Health of friends/ family members
Day 14: Against sins/ addictions
Day 13: Loneliness amidst family & friendships
Day 12: Unity between family members
Day 11: Adopted to God's family
Day 10: Prayerless homes
Day 9: The Homeless
Day 8: Materialistic homes
Day 7: Neglectful or Toxic homes
Day 6: Broken homes
Day 5: Coming back home
Day 4: A priest who knows
Day 3: Ordination of a priest
Day 2: Exemplary priestly intercessors