Day 40: Jesus - the perfect Intercessor
Day 39: Jesus' prayer on the cross
Day 38: Jesus' prayer for Peter
Day 37: The High Priestly prayer of Jesus
Day 36: Jesus' prayer for Lazarus
Day 35: The Spirit's intercession and groaning
Day 34: Prayers for our nation - for cultures to be transformed
Day 33: Prayers for fellow Indians - for strongholds to be broken
Day 32: Prayers for fellow Indians - for persecutors to repent
Day 31: Prayers for fellow Indians - to have churches
Sola Scriptura, inspiration, reliability & the process of how we got the Bible
Day 30: Prayers for fellow Indians - to read God's word
Day 29: Prayers for fellow Indians - to hear God's word
Day 28: Praying for Church and Mission leaders
Day 27: Praying for the Ministry of home affairs, and external affairs
Day 26: Praying for the Ministry of education, and health
Day 25: Praying for the Ministry of finance
Day 24: Praying for the Ministry of law and justice, and for the Judges
Day 23: Praying for our Prime Minister, Chief Minister, & Cabinet Ministers
Day 22: Praying for tentmakers