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Praise be to the Creator, the Word and the Spirit of grace

Be it God's general revelation through nature, or His special revelation through His Word, we first see Him as this marvelous Creator. 

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

He created all things by His Word. He created human beings in His own image, bestowing them with a part of His creative genius, giving them languages to communicate with each other, and giving them authority to reign over all the created things. He created us to be dependent on Him, to have a relationship with Him, to call Him, 'Abba Father'.  


However, with the creative genius that God had given us, we create destruction; With the language God gave us to communicate with each other, we cause division and hatred; With the very authority God had given us, we exploit and destroy. How far have we fallen from God's righteousness!


Gladly for us, the Creative Word became the Incarnate Word and brought us redemption through His very death and resurrection. Christ Jesus being in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped; rather, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness (Phil 2:6, 7). 

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

And, the Breath of God who gave life to the man of dust breathed in us once more! We are alive in Him!  With the advocate sent by the Father in the name of Jesus, the Spirit of grace, our Counsellor, and, with this new life that we have in Him, what more can we do, than be a living sacrifice for His glory! 


About me:


I am Christina Grace Danny, a child of God, redeemed by His grace, undeservedly blessed with a Christian heritage, and happily married to my ever-supportive friend and hubby, Danny ( I've always loved learning new insights by meditating on God's word, and I've always loved writing it as well. How we read God's word and what lessons He teaches us surely does depend on the place God has placed us in. My marketplace has been the academic world of engineering.


I did my undergraduate education in Instrumentation Engineering, which deals with the measurement and control of various parameters like temperature, flow, pressure, etc. - a man-made version of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin for industrial, home, medical, and several applications. I love this quote from Max Planck - An experiment is a question that science poses to nature, and a measurement is the recording of nature’s answer. I may not be a gardener like Adam was, but I sure am interacting with nature as an Instrumentation engineer.


I then worked as an Instrumentation Maintenance Engineer for a short while in a petrochemical refinery. Wearing a helmet and safety shoes, climbing up and down the monkey ladders, and standing on tall chimneys and distillation columns with electronic equipment to assist and troubleshoot did bring me great joy and made me 'feel' like an engineer! Feelings aside, maintenance engineering was important in the refinery. We were called the 'eyes and ears of the refinery' where there is enough fuel and temperature to create huge explosions. We learned that when we work in such environments, we are to always remain alert and watchful. This reminds me of the Christian life that we are called to live. If our spiritual eyes are not enlightened, and if our spiritual ears are not tuned to listening to God, if we are not alert and watchful, we miss warnings, directions, and guidelines, and end up in danger as well.

One more important aspect I learned in the refinery was based on my conversation with my boss. In one of the units, I was not able to bring down the percentage error of a type of instrument. I then pompously told my boss 'there are so many practical aspects involved, that we can't theoretically look for a solution, we can just work with some intelligent trial and error methods'. He replied, 'only donkeys will say theory can't be corroborated with practical engineering'. Lesson learned. Going back again to our Christian living, how often have many of us thought that learning in-depth theology is not necessary for our Christian witness? Well, if my boss were here, you know what he'd say!


I then left the refinery and went on to do my doctoral studies on optical biosensors. My work was both theoretical (on understanding how light propagation is enhanced in the design that we fabricated) and experimental (fabricating and characterizing several sensing designs for biomedical applications). That's probably why I am fascinated with God saying He is light and asking us to be the light! The more we understand light, the more fascinating it gets. The dual nature of light reminds me of the dual nature of the Son of Man. The randomness and uncertainty in the quantum levels and the beautiful determinism that emerges in the macroscale remind me of an individual's free will and overarching God's will. There is a beautiful mystery in God's creation. Over the past few years, I've realized that every aspect of our Christian life is also shrouded with mystery - be it our justification and our sanctification, or human free will and God's sovereign will. Seeing all this, I join the Psalmist in saying, 'Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them'.


I am currently teaching undergraduate students and working on some research problems that could have an immense societal impact. Apart from the marketplace that God had placed me in, I enjoy spending time in my church, with my spiritual mentors, and comrades in the Lord. There are several more lessons to be learned, and several adventures to go through. In all this, I've always found my joy in articulating my thoughts about my loving Saviour. I've enjoyed seeing His fingerprint, and His law imprinted in every atom of the universe. I see trans-domain patterns that are so beautiful, that it needs to be shared with others for the glory of God. I desire to share all that joy with you through this website. 


About the site:


I've categorized the site as containing: blogs, resources, and recommendations.

I love writing! I've written essays, poems, fictional diary entries, letters, and reviews which I include in the Blogs tab. These were written in different instances, some essays are a part of a series, and others are individual ones. 

Over the past years, our involvement in church activities and ministries has resulted in the development of several resources. These resources are mostly pertaining to the Children's ministry and Choir wing of the church, including renditions of Christian songs and our own compositions. These may be found in the Resources tab.

I've received freely from several internet resources and grown through their contributions. However, spotting good resources in itself is at times a tedious job. There are good websites that don't come up that easily in a search. There are dubious web resources that pop up, which could lead one astray. One of the guidelines while searching for Christian resources would be to go deep and read the 'I believe' statement given by the authors/ creators. Especially while espousing a resource to someone new in the faith or for children, it is good to take this exercise. I've listed some web resources: websites, YouTube channels, Songs, Videos/ Movies, and Apps that were useful to be in the Recommendations tab.


The website is a work in progress. I hope that it is a blessing to you.


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