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2 Cor 4: 6, 7

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

'Light of the knowledge of God's glory' What a phrase!


The God of light whose words thundered at the first big bang is silently letting the light of the knowledge of His glory shine in the hearts of those who believe in Him. As mysterious and wonderful as the first ray of light that shone out of pitch-black darkness is the beauty of the treasures that God is shining even today! 

I am merely the jar of clay, even a broken one at that. But the treasure that God shone in my heart is what I wish to shine out. May this be for His glory.       

In this space (perspectivesofgrace), you will find a variety of Christian resources which include Blogs that consist of my essays, poems, fictional diary entries, letters, and reviews, Resources developed and collected over the years for the various wings of the church (Sunday School, choir, etc.), including renditions of Christian songs and our own compositions and Recommendations of websites, YouTube channels, songs, movies videos, apps and many more that have helped me worship and grow closer to our God.

If you have questions, comments, or feedback and looking for a healthy discourse, please write to me at

For Lent 2023, I have begun a prayer series called Priestly Intercessions. If you are interested in prayer points along with associated daily devotions (Bible passages and short reflections) check it out here.

Featured posts

From the blogs: Essays

Pew Research Center released a report in 2021 based on their survey of 29,999 Indians on the topic of religion - basic beliefs, tolerance, and segregation.

As Christian academicians, we thought it beneficial to analyse the responses of 1011 Christians, and understand how we can set in order our Lord's house.

Church and people silhouette

Can we truly ask God questions? Would He even bother to answer?

Check out the series of 40-plus articles written during Lent 2021, with each essay dwelling on one question that someone asked God in the Bible, each week focussing on a particular theme (suffering, 'how we know', about His nature, etc.) The series ends with questions God asked people.


From the resources:

Three dresses is a skit based on the conversation between three dresses - Stretch, Pinky, and Glamour. Each dress personifies a person who has a different understanding of salvation and suffering. 

 Their conversation could help children understand the Christian journey, in relatable terms. 

Three Dresses

Missionary stories are so adventurous and give a wonderful perspective of what a Christian walk could look like. 

They are the modern-day heroes of faith from whom we could all learn, especially the next generation. Heroes of Faith and Missionary stories taught during 'B4 the rainbow' VBS are useful Sunday School resources.

George Muller.jpg

From the recommendations:

There are movie, app, and YouTube channel recommendations which you can find in that tab.  More recommendations on books, useful web resources, theologically rich songs written in the last few decades will be added soon.

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